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Breakfast with NCDC

Join us for breakfast with NCDC Governor Hon. Powes Pakop and NCDC City Manager, Mr. Ravu Frank as they will be presenting to members of the private sector their 5-year plan for the city.


On Monday 6th November we heard on interesting presentation from Mr. Sohrab Rafiq, the Country Manager for the International Monetary Fund. In March 2023 the PNG government entered into a loan for USD 918 million over a 38-month period. The loan is to support the government’s reform agenda. The loan...

Hausples PNG Business Breakfast

Join us for a Business Breakfast at the Royal Papua Yacht Club with speakers from the Real Estate Industries who will be talking about corporate and private property management. Guest Speakers: Tom Snelling – Hausples PNG CEO, Professor David Kavanamur – Kumul Consolidate Holdings and Lawrence Stapleton – Property Developers...

Breakfast with Acting CEO Gary Seddon of Air Niugini

Air Niugini CEO – Mr. Gary Seddon speaks on the airline’s present challenges and new opportunities during breakfast.  A great turnout this morning as members of the Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce and Industry and non-members attended the corporate breakfast with Air Niugini CEO, Mr. Gary Seddon. The breakfast featured...

Meet & Greet Event

Around 100 attendees from 40 different business houses and agencies (POMCCI Members) in the city attended our ‘Meet & Greet’ networking and social event last month on the 25th August 2023. The networking cocktail event was held at the new ‘Beer Garden’ at the Junction, at Holiday Inn & Suites. The...

BSP addresses members of the chamber on new System Update

POMCCI Business Breakfast for 20th July; Mark Robinson -CEO of BSP Group, Nuni Kulu – BSP’s Chief Operating Officer, Leighton Crisp - Head of Treasury & Sales & Ryan George – Group Treasurer for BSP. It was great turnout this morning as active members of Port Moresby Chamber of Industry...